
	This section of the archive contains the Gerber files necessary to create a PC board blank for the DIY MSM project. The file extension definitions, in alphabetical order, are as follows.

.BOT = Bottom Copper, Layer 4
.GND = Inner ground plane, Layer 2
.PWR = Inner power plane, Layer 3
.SMB = Solder Mask Bottom
.SMT = Solder Mask Top
.SPT = Solder Paste Top (for RN2)
.SST = Silk Screen Top
.TOP = Top copper, Layer 1
.nls = Netlist for electrical testing of new boards, IPC-D-356 format.

	And, of course, the drill files in Excellon extended format.

thruhole.npt = For the non-plated mounting holes.
thruhole.tap = For all other holes.

Happy building.