+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+		INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM
| d | i | g | i | t | a | l |

To:	Distribution			Date:	10-Dec-91
cc:					From:	Bob Supnik
					Dept:	VSS
					Ext:	293-5690
					Loc:	BXB1-2/C04
					Enet:	HUMAN::SUPNIK

Subj:	VLSI CPU Bugs: A Comparative Analysis (Revised)
This memorandum compares the bugs found during the debug of MicroVAX,
CVAX, Rigel, and NVAX in terms of overall numbers, distribution by pass,
bug type, etc.

1 MicroVAX Bugs

"Pass" is the pass in which the bug was fixed.
"Type/Fix" is the type of bug and type of fix,
where l = logic, c = circuit, la = layout, m = microcode.

Description			[Section] Diagnosis	       Pass Type/Fix
-----------			-------------------	       ---- --------
33.MTPR ASTLVL checks src<31:0>	[Ucode] Bug in MTPR; ECO	na   m/spec
   instead of src<2:0>		SRM

32.MDM randomly crashes with	[M Box] Circuit race;		5.1  c/c
   FATAL KERNEL ERROR msg	fix circuit

31.DMR deassertion before DMG	[BIU] Sequencing error;		na   l/spec
   hangs chip			change spec

30.DMA trashes FPU microtrap	[Useq] Sequencing error;	5.0  l/l
   sequencing			fix logic

29.BBC #sh literal with worst	[E Box] Race condition on	4.1  c/m
   case DAL noise fails		ALU "fast path"; fix in

28.Interrupted MOVCx faults	[Ucode] Bug in interrupt	4.1  m/m
   as reserved instruction	passive release flows; fix
				in microcode

27.PSL.Z still too slow at	[E Box] Bad circuit		4.0  c/c
   high temperature		configuration; fix circuit

26.AS L randomly tristates	[Clock] Noise on P45 clock;	4.0  c/c
				fix circuit

25.DMA trashes PTE read		[BIU/M Box] Interaction		4.0  l/l
				problem; fix logic

24.DMA trashes CS<2> assertion	[BIU] uTEST interaction;	4.0  l/l
				fix logic

23.RLOG failure on push of	[E Box] Charge sharing in	3.5  c/c
   five specifiers		hold circuit; fix circuit

22.Random failures relating	[M Box] MME read control latch	3.4  c/c
   to corruption of AW_Bus<0>	misconfigured; fix circuit

21.Random ACV/TNV failures,	[M Box] TB race condition;	3.3  c/c
   voltage sensitive		fix circuit

20.I Box zero extender noise	[I Box] Precharge levels low;	3.3  c/c
   sensitive			fix circuit

19.INCL of 7FFFFFFF gives	[E Box] PSL.Z circuit too	3.2  c/c
   psl cc's = 1110		slow; fix circuit

18.Power bussing to lower	[E Box] Redo power bussing	3.1  la/la
   ALU inadequate

17.CS<2> doesn't meet chip	[Pads] Fix circuit		3.0  c/c

16.Strobes don't meet chip	[Pads] Fix circuit		3.0  c/c

15.Byte mask incorrect on	[BIU] Logic error;		3.0  l/l
   second cycle of unaligned	fix logic

14.Write probe with m=0 and 	[M Box] Logic error; fix	3.0  l/l+m
   ACV/TNV takes ACV/TNV	logic and microcode

13.Interlocked queue instr	[E Box] Logic error; fix	3.0  l/m
   give wrong status on mem	in microcode
   mgt error

12.Reset fails at low		[Useq] Using wrong clock;	3.0  l/l
   frequency			fix logic

11.LDPCTX on kernel stack	[Ucode] Faulty SRM		3.0  m/m
   stack doesn't work		description; fix microcode

10.RLOG failure on push of	[E Box] Charge sharing in	3.0  c/c
   more than one specifier	end circuit; fix circuit

9. Control Store doesn't work	[CS] Redesign precharge, mux's,	3.0  c/c
				sense amps
				Decouple reference voltage	2.2  c/c
				Adjust timeout, reference	2.1  c/c
				Redesign timeout		2.0  c/c

8. G_floating instructions	[Ucode] Bug in indexed		2.2  m/m
   with indexed immediate	immediate flows; fix microcode
   operands treated as

7. Restarted POLYG treated	[Ucode] Bug in POLYf		2.2  m/m
   as POLYF			restart; fix microcode

6. Random mismatches in TB	[M Box] Coupling problem at	2.0  c/c
				FF; fix circuit

5. WR L misasserted on writes	[M Box] Race condition in	2.0  c/c
				decoding mem reqs; fix circuit

4. Random macroinstruction	[E Box] Coupling problem in	2.0  c/c
   failures			literal generation; fix circuit

3. Memory to register instrs	[I Box] Coupling problem in	2.0  c/c
   screw up prefetcher		delta PC; fix circuit

2. G_floating treated as rsrvd	[I Box] FD logic misprogrammed;	2.0  la/la
   instruction			fix layout

1. Interrupts missequence on	[Intr] Identified interrupt	2.0  l/l
   passive release		not screened by IPL; fix logic

[There were two abortive minipasses, 1.1 and 1.6, which were not fabricated.]

2 CVAX Bugs

"Pass" is the pass in which the bug was fixed.
"Type/Fix" is the type of bug and type of fix,
where l = logic, c = circuit, la = layout, m = microcode.

Description			[Section] Diagnosis	       Pass Type/Fix
-----------			-------------------	       ---- --------
36.Write errors fetch wrong     [BIU] Write cycle terminated	shr  l/l
   SCB vector.			with ERR_L for just one sample
				point corrupts next external
				bus cycle.

35.MFPR to memory from non-	[Ucode] Path does not		shr  m/m
   existent register writes	restore VA.
   wrong memory location.

34.Interrupt passive release	[Ucode] POLYf does not		4.3  m/m
   during POLYf causes		back up PC on passive
   instruction to be skipped	release

33.MTPR ASTLVL checks src<31:0>	[Ucode] Bug in MTPR; ECO	na   m/spec
   instead of src<2:0>		SRM

32.Cache parity error		[Cache] Race condition		4.2  c/c
				in parity circuit;
				fix circuit

31.Interrupt passive release	[M Box] Aborted prefetch	4.2  l/l
   misreported			followed by TB miss followed
				by passive release reports
				wrong error; fix logic

30.Write machine check		[BIU] Cache prefetch hit	4.2  l/l
   misreported			followed by write error
				reports wrong error; fix logic

29.DMA grant following retried	[BIU] Simultaneous microprobe	3.2  l/l
   write hangs chip		with TB miss and invalidate
				while retried write pending
				gets state machines out of
				sync; fix logic

28.Cache invalidate lost	[BIU] Simultaneous microprobe	3.2  l/l
				with TB miss and invalidate
				loses invalidate; fix logic

27.Cache invalidate lost	[BIU] Simultaneous EPR		3.1  l/l
				I/O and invalidate loses
				invalidate; fix logic

26.Branch to self starves	[Cache] Refresh analysis	3.0  l/l
   cache			incorrect; add refresh counter

25.POPR to SP fails		[Ucode] Bug; fix microcode	3.0  m/m

24.Cache row 63 leaks at high	[Cache] Array error; fix	3.0  c+la/la
   temperature			layout

23.Interrupts inputs don't	[Pads] Noise; fix circuit	3.0  c/c
   meet DC spec

22.Cache not coherent		[BIU] Cache updates not		3.0  l/l
				blocked on I/O space and EPR
				write hits; fix logic

21.Macrocode missequences	[Ucode] Interrupts in string	2.2  m/l
				instructions violate		3.0  m/m
				microcode restriction;
				fix microcode

20.Powerup fails		[I Box] Spurious polygon in	2.1  la/la
				database; fix layout

19.PROBEx fails			[M Box] Charge sharing induced	2.0  c/c
				by minipass 1.3/1.4

18.CALLx fails			[Ucode] Stack frame across	2.0  m/m
				page boundary not handled
				correctly; fix microcode

17.Data used as prefetch	[BIU] Simultaneous prefetch,	2.0  l/l
   address			read broadcast, DMA confuses
				BIU; fix logic

16.CCTL_L misinterpreted	[BIU] Latch not cleared;	2.0  l/l
   or cache invalidate lost	fix logic
   on parity error

15.AS_L power bussing		[Pads] Fix layout		2.0  la/la

14.Control store power bussing	[CS] Fix layout			2.0  la/la

13.Cache power bussing		[Cache] Fix layout		1.4  la/la

12.MFPR from external register	[Ucode] Bug; fix microcode	2.0  m/m
   to memory writes wrong
   memory location

11.ERR L to MTPR microtraps,	[BIU] Logic error; fix logic	1.3  l/l
   loses prefetch						2.0  l/l

10.IAK reported as read		[BIU] MIB misdecode; fix logic	1.3  l/l

9. Coprocessor signal asserts	[BIU] Fast path; fix circuit	1.3  c/c

8. TB miss reported as xpage	[M Box] Race in cross page	1.3  c/c
				logic; fix circuit

7. Instructions missequence	[E Box] Race in condition	1.3  c/c
				code logic; fix circuit

6. Immediate data is lost	[I Box] STALL interacts		1.3  l/l
				incorrectly with CASE.ID.LOAD

5. Misdecode of 2byte opcode	[I Box] SECOND_IID_EXPECTED	1.3  l/l
				not reset by zero operand instr

4. +4 adder fails		[M Box] Charge sharing; fix	1.2  c/c

3. Low order address bits	[M Box] Latch ratio error;	1.2  c/c
   always 11			fix circuit

2. Modify intent reported as	[I Box] Incorrect gate; fix	1.2  l/l
   ordinary read		logic

1. CASE.LOAD.ID, DEC.NEXT fail	[I Box] Precharge race		1.2  c/c
				condition in self-timed PLA;
				fix circuit

[There were two abortive minipasses, 1.1 and 2.3, which were not fabricated.
Pass 4.2 was the first 4.x pass, 4.0 and 4.1 were superceded prior to PG.]

3 Rigel Bugs

"Pass" is the pass in which the bug was fixed.
"Type/Fix" is the type of bug and type of fix,
where l = logic, c = circuit, la = layout, m = microcode.

Description			[Section] Diagnosis	       Pass Type/Fix
-----------			-------------------	       ---- --------
16.INSV to register with pos	[Ucode] Wrong alignment		-    m/-
   = 800000x fails to fault	constraint; waiver

15.MOVC5 with srclen = dstlen   [Ucode] Specifier read target   6.0  m/m
   = 0 and fill character in	never "consumed"; fix ucode
   memory corrupts next instr

14.Byte masks wrong on		[BIU] Logic error; fix logic	5.0  l/l
   I/O space I stream reads

13.Multiprocessor crashes	[Ucode] Race condition in	5.0  m/m
   with PC wrong by +/-4	IB TBM routine; fix ucode

12.MULLx delivers wrong		[Ucode] MULix, field		4.0  m/m
   result			violates ucode restriction;
				fix ucode

11.Interrupt in middle of	[I Box] Race condition;		3.0  c/c
   instruction			fix circuit

10.PC wrong when halted		[Ucode] BACKUP PC not		3.0  m/m
				restored; fix microcode

9. Stack writes corrupted	[E Box] KDL latches not		3.0  c/c
				static; fix circuit

8. Prefetch error loops		[Ucode] Routine uses wrong	3.0  m/m
				register; fix microcode

7. Prefetch error reports	[Ucode] Routine violates	2.1  m/m
   wrong PC			restriction; fix microcode

6. Possible I/O latchup		[Pads] Output buffer		2.0  c/c
				predriver needs guard-
				banding; fix circuit

5. Random data corruption	[E Box] Coupling in data	2.0  c/c
				rotator; fix circuit

4. Illegal opcode can take	[I Box] Bug; fix logic		2.0  l/l
   precedence over trace trap

3. Flushing primary cache	[Pcache] Valid bits set		2.0  l/l
   doesn't work			incorrectly in columns
				1 and 3; fix logic

2. MVFP does not check for	[Ucode] Bug; fix microcode	2.0  m/m
   vector unit disabled at
   end of instruction

1. Current mode encodings	[Ucode] Bug; fix microcode	2.0  m/m
   incorrect in vector
   instruction packets

4 NVAX Bugs

"Pass" is the pass in which the bug was fixed.
"Type/Fix" is the type of bug and type of fix,
where l = logic, c = circuit, la = layout, m = microcode.

Description			[Section] Diagnosis	       Pass Type/Fix
-----------			-------------------	       ---- --------
18.System can't run with	[C Box] Flip_ecc incorrectly	3.0    l/l
   uninitialized Bcache.	asserted; fix logic

17.Primary cache not enabled	[Ucode] PCSTS<lock> not		3.0    u/u
   during burnin.		cleared by powerup for
				burnin flows; fix microcode

16.Console halt misexecutes.	[Ucode] VIC must be flushed	3.0    u/u
				on entry to console; fix 

15.S3 stall timeout		[E Box] Floating point		2.0    l/l
				instruction with PSL<fpd>
				set deadlocks; fix logic

14.POLYf emulation fails	[E Box] POLYf with PSL<fpd>	2.0    l/m
				set dispatched incorrectly;
				creates new restriction; fix
				in microcode

13.Wrong PC on console HALT	[Ucode] State rolled back	2.0    m/m
   when PSL<fpd> set		twice; fix microcode

12.Interlocked instructions	[C Box] Bug; fix logic		2.0    l/l
   fail in ETM

11.S3 stall timeout		[M Box] Infinite loop on	2.0    l/m
				double TB miss during TBIA;
				creates new restriction; fix
				in microcode

10.Hang on transition into	[C Box] Bug; fix logic		2.0    l/l
   ETM (error transition mode)

9. PC = 0 on exception stack	[I Box] PAQUEUE overflows	2.0    l/l
				after JSR followed by JMP;
				fix logic

8. IPR writes corrupt PCache	[PCache] Race condition at	2.0    l/l
				cycles > 20ns; fix logic

7. Incorrect branching		[M Box] PAQUEUE status not	2.0    l/m
				updated soon enough after
				branch mis-predict; creates
				new restriction; fix in

6. Unexpected RDE handled	[C Box] Bug; fix logic		2.0    l/l

5. Test clocks sensitive to	[Pads] Differential amp is	2.0    c/c
   low VDD			voltage sensitive; fix circuit

4. MULL2 gets wrong PSL<v>	[Ucode] Multiplier rather	2.0    m/m
				than multiplicand sign
				tested; fix microcode

3. Incorrect pad ring		[Pads] Eleven power/ground	2.0    la/la
				pads wired wrong; fix layout

2. System deadlock on INSV	[Ucode] Restriction violation;	2.0    m/m
				fix microcode

1. System deadlock on floating	[F Box-E Box-M Box] Premature	2.0    l/l
   point operation.		destination fault on F Box S4
				bypass abort; fix E Box logic

5 Analysis

Total passes+minipasses (CVAX includes CMOS-2 shrink bug fix pass):

	uVAX		CVAX		Rigel		NVAX
	----		----		-----		----
	5+11		5+11		6+1		2+0

Bugs found per pass:

	pass:	1	2	3	4	5
		-	-	-	-	-
uVAX		 6	11	10	3	3
CVAX		19	 7	 7	3
Rigel		 7       4	 1	2	2
NVAX		15	 3

Breakdown of bugs by error type:

	type:	logic	circuit	layout	ucode	spec change
		-----	-------	------	-----	-----------
uVAX errors	  9	   17	   2	  5	    0
uVAX fixes	  7	   16	   2	  5	    2

CVAX errors	 15	    9	   5	  7	    0
CVAX fixes	 15	    9	   5	  6	    1

Rigel errors	  3	    4	   0	  9	    0
Rigel fixes	  3	    4	   0	  8	    1

NVAX errors	 11	    1	   1	  5	    0
NVAX fixes	  8	    1	   1	  8	    0

Breakdown of microcode bugs by type:

			uVAX	CVAX	Rigel	NVAX	comment
			----	----	-----	----	-------
Indexed immediate	  1				ECO'd out of SRM
Interrupt passive rel	  1	  1
Interrupt to string		  1
LDPCTX			  1				ECO'd out of SRM
POLYG restart		  1				ECO'd out of SRM
CALLx cross page		  1			Improved in AXE V15
POPR to SP			  1			Added to AXE V14
MFPR external to memory		  2			Added to HCORE
MTPR ASTLVL		  1	  1			Added to AXE V15
Vectors					  2		Added to AXE V15
IB prefetch error			  2
IB TB miss error			  1
Halt PC when FPD set			  1	  1
Restriction violation			  2
INSV reserved operand			  1
INSV specifier combination			  1	Found by MAX after PG
MULL2 PSL<v> result				  1
VIC flushing on HALT				  1
Powerup initialization				  1

Breakdown of bugs by chip section:

		total	type:	logic	circuit	layout
		-----		-----	-------	------
uVAX I Box	  3			   2	   1
CVAX I Box	  5		  3	   1	   1
Rigel I Box	  2		  1        1
NVAX I Box	  1		  1

uVAX E Box	  8		  1	   6	   1
CVAX E Box	  1			   1
Rigel E Box	  2			   2
NVAX E Box	  3		  3
 (includes Useq/CS/interrupts)

uVAX M Box	 5.5		 1.5	   4
CVAX M Box	  5		  1	   4
Rigel M Box
NVAX M Box	  2		  2

uVAX BIU	 3.5			  3.5
CVAX BIU	 11		 10	   1
Rigel BIU	  1		  1
NVAX C Box	  4		  4

uVAX Useq/CS	  3		  2	    1
CVAX Useq/CS	  1				   1
Rigel Useq/CS

uVAX Clocks	  1			   1
CVAX Clocks
Rigel Clocks

uVAX Interrupts	  1		  1
CVAX Interrupts
Rigel Interrupts

uVAX Pads	  2			   2
CVAX Pads	  2			   1	   1
Rigel Pads	  1			   1
NVAX Pads	  2			   1	   1

CVAX Cache	  4		  1	   1	   2
Rigel Cache	  1		  1
NVAX Pcache	  1		  1


Breakdown of circuit design errors:

			uVAX		CVAX		Rigel		NVAX
			----		----		-----		----
coupling		  4		  0		  1		  0
configuration/ratio	  3		  1		  1		  1
race			  3		  4		  1		  0
speed 			  3		  1		  0		  0
charge sharing		  2		  2		  0		  0
noise			  1		  1		  0		  0
latchup			  0		  0		  1		  0
			 --		 --		 --		 --
total			 16		  9		  4		  1

7 Conclusions

o The significantly increased verification efforts on Rigel and NVAX were
  repaid by significantly reduced bug rates.
o The patchable control store on NVAX allowed debug on first pass parts
  to proceed further and find more problems.
o The halving of the number of circuit bugs from MicroVAX to CVAX, and
  the further halving from CVAX to Rigel, demonstrates the relative
  simplicity of CMOS vs NMOS circuit design, and the value of improved
  circuit checking tools.
o The high degree of functionality on CVAX pass 1 allowed for a classical
  "descending exponential" bug rate.  Nonetheless, the tail proved very long,
  with several bugs showing up in pass 4.  Rigel showed a similar curve,
  with several bugs showing up in pass 4 and 5.  Only NVAX finally broke
  through this barrier.
o Interrupts, errors, passive release, halt, and other boundary
  conditions must be explicitly checked with processor specific DVTs.
o The microcode bug rate actually got worse, despite better tools, because
  of the addition of new functionality (eg, vectors, IB error handling, etc)
  and new microarchitectural complexity.